Local Search
(4th-May-2020) Local search methods start with a complete assignment of a value to each variable and try to iteratively improve this...
(4th-May-2020) Local search methods start with a complete assignment of a value to each variable and try to iteratively improve this...
(3rd-May-2020) A fundamental idea in AI is to exploit structure in a domain. One form of structure for CSPs arises from the exploitation...
(2nd-May-2020) Another method for simplifying the network is domain splitting or case analysis. The idea is to split a problem into a...
(1st-May-2020) • Although depth-first search over the search space of assignments is usually a substantial improvement over generate and...
(30th-April-2020) • Generate-and-test algorithms assign values to all variables before checking the constraints. Because individual...
(29th-April-2020) Any finite CSP can be solved by an exhaustive generate-and-test algorithm. The assignment space, D, is the set of...
(28th-April-2020) The frame problem is one of the important difficulties in artificial intelligence and it shows that it can not deal...
(27th-April-2020) • Three missionaries and three cannibals are on the left bank of a river. • There is one canoe which can hold one or...
(25th-April-2020) • There are three constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) were consisted as following. a set of variables, a ...
(24th-April-2020) • Constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs) are mathematical problems defined as a set of objects whose state must...
(23rd-April-2020) In many domains, not all possible assignments of values to variables are permissible. A hard constraint, or simply...
(22nd-April-2020) Algebraic variables are symbols. Internal to a computer, a symbol is just a sequence of bits that can be distinguished...
(21th-April-2020) 10 binary features can describe 2power10=1,024 states. 20 binary features can describe 2power20=1,048,576 states. 30...
(20th-April-2020) For any practical problem, an agent cannot reason in terms of states; there are simply too many of them. Moreover, most...
(19th-April-2020) Here is the review of search. Many problems can be abstracted as the problem of finding paths in graphs. Breadth-first...
(18th-April-2020) More sophisticated search are followings.. • Cycle Checking • Multiple-Path Pruning • Iterative Deepening • Branch and...
(17teen-April-2020) • A* search is a combination of lowest-cost-first and best-first searches that considers both path cost and heuristic...
(16th-April-2020) All of the search methods in the preceding section are uninformed in that they did not take into account the goal. They...