( 04th - Dec - 2019 )
Our discussion about blockchain mining for PoW has many challenge to enhance its productivities. AI brings three advantages these days, such as Image detection, classify and prediction. We are now implementing AI prediction of cryptocurrency value and its mining reward by DNN. Of cause, value of market rates are not always give us right direction. Therefore, we designed the methodology to capture the market voice using Ontology classify module though NLP technique. The accuracy is still not so higher, it almost 60% around the beginning stage but, reduce Error data and select most appropriate data domain brings more higher accuracy.
We implemented our AI engine as Crypto-index website. This result may insert many application of AI prediction soon or later.
There are two applications are proposed.
1) Arbitrage for cryptocurrency.
2) Switching highest reward coin mining.
These are on the wayto develop right now. We will show you some result by them later.