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Writer's pictureDR.GEEK

An agent interacting with an environment


  • We are talking about Agent interactinh in today.

  • These prior knowledge about the agent and the environment are followings.

  • history of interaction with the environment, which is composed of observations of the current environment and past experiences of previous actions and observations, or other data, from which it can learn;

  • Goals that it must try to achieve or preferences over states of the world; andabilities, which are the primitive actions it is capable of carrying out.

  • Each agent has some internal state that can encode beliefs about its environment and itself.

  • It may have goals to achieve, ways to act in the environment to achieve those goals, and various means to modify its beliefs by reasoning, perception, and learning.

  • This is an all-encompassing view of intelligent agents varying in complexity from a simple thermostat, to a team of mobile robots, to a diagnostic advising system whose perceptions and actions are mediated by human beings, to society itself.

The knowledge representation is shown as this figure.

  • Knowledge is the information about a domain that can be used to solve problems in that domain.

  • To solve many problems requires much knowledge, and this knowledge must be represented in the computer.

  • As part of designing a program to solve problems, we must define how the knowledge will be represented.

  • A representation scheme is the form of the knowledge that is used in an agent.

  • A representation of some piece of knowledge is the internal representation of the knowledge.

  • A representation scheme specifies the form of the knowledge.

  • A knowledge base is the representation of all of the knowledge that is stored by an agent.

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