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Writer's pictureDR.GEEK

An agent interacting with an environment


• Prior knowledge about the agent and the environment;

• History of interaction with the environment, which is composed of

• Observations of the current environment and

• Past experiences of previous actions and observations, or other data, from which it can learn;

• Goals that it must try to achieve or preferences over states of the world; and

• Abilities, which are the primitive actions it is capable of carrying out.

• Each agent has some internal state that can encode beliefs about its environment and itself.

• It may have goals to achieve, ways to act in the environment to achieve those goals, and various means to modify its beliefs by reasoning, perception, and learning.

• This is an all-encompassing view of intelligent agents varying in complexity from a simple thermostat, to a team of mobile robots, to a diagnostic advising system whose perceptions and actions are mediated by human beings, to society itself.

Significance of AI with Geosciences

• Artificial Intelligence (AI) is integrating with every sector and Geosciences can also take help from AI in solving the challenges ahead.

• The significance of AI and Geosciences can be realized from the fact that Total and Google join for the oil exploration work or the upstream of the oil sector.

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