( 07th - December - 2019 )
Today's Cloud security facilitates the policies, IT technologies, decentralized applications, and protect virtualized IP address, its contents data, applications program itself for services, and total infrastructure. All business services are utilizing cloud based infrastructure today and they are managing the transaction of buy/sell in the site. Data security is one of most important issues. It is not only network eavesdropping, illegal invasion, and denial of service attacks, but also side channel attacks, virtualization vulnerabilities, and abuse of cloud services. Therefore, there are three factors for data security: 1) Confidentiality, 2) Access controllability, and 3) Integrity. About the Compliance, In the USA, Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA), and Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 are established. To keep the data in cloud service has big obligation today. So, now it is required highest data security for cloud servicer. This paper proposes secure sharing of data by SOA (Status Observation Agent) node in Autonomous Decentralized System (ADS). The contents of data is user file, business file including customer information, application data files and historical data and so on. Also financial data such as cryptocurrency wallet private keys. SOA node are allocated in the ADS network data field.
Status Observation Agents (SOA) node was implemented in ADS network data field. The number of existing SOA nodes are multiple in order to maintain the availability in the ADS network environment. Users or cloud guild servicers broadcast the request to select these anonymous node in the community of network. SOA node detects the message from requester, the nearest SOA node reply the ACK message to requester and start causality both of them. SOA node select these candidate of anonymous node randomly, and send the request message to the selected node which are anonymous. Once receive the ACK from these anonymous nodes then, send the ready message to the requester. Requester divide multiple parts of data by secure sharing algorithms and send the each dividing data to SOA node. SOA node transfer the dividing data to selected anonymous nodes. Then, store the dividing data into them. The status of anonymous nodes do continuously observation by Chandy-Lamport Algorithms for snapshot. Definition of snapshot is following.
1. ADS has no failure nodes concept
2. All messages arrive intact and only once.
3. Communication channels are unidirectional and FIFO ordered
4. There is a communication path between any two processes in the system
5. Anonymous node has observation status by snapshot.
6. Snapshot algorithm does not become the overhead of normal execution of processes.