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Writer's pictureDR.GEEK

Cryptocyrrency tradering Tax


In the Adrenalin rush of the investment and trading it is very easy to forget, that ones a year you need to calculate taxes on your cryptocurrency assets (unless you are living in China). The subject of taxation of the cryptocurrencies is very complex. The tax laws for natural person and legal entity are different. The tax laws are also different per country.

Taxes might actually reduce your profits and it is not easy to keep them in mind by posting a transaction order. By ignoring taxes, a crypto trader or crypto investor fails to get a very important piece of information to make a trade.

The taxes might be as simple as in the Netherlands, where cryptocurrencies are considered as a capital (overige bezittingen). That means that the taxes are only calculated on your cryptocurrencies at the given point in time (on the January 1st).

Or the taxes might be as complicated as in US, where cryptocurrencies are considered as assets, which means that you have to pay tax on every transaction.

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