The first strategy is depth-first search. In depth-first search, the frontier acts like a last-in first-out stack. The elements are added to the stack one at a time. The one selected and taken off the frontier at any time is the last element that was added.
The tree-shaped graph in Figure 3.5. Suppose the start node is the root of the tree (the node at the top) and the nodes are ordered from left to right so that the leftmost neighbor is added to the stack last. In depth-first search, the order in which the nodes are expanded does not depend on the location of the goals. The first sixteen nodes expanded are numbered in order of expansion in Figure 3.5. The shaded nodes are the nodes at the ends of the paths on the frontier after the first sixteen steps.
Notice how the first six nodes expanded are all in a single path. The sixth node has no neighbors. Thus, the next node that is expanded is a child of the lowest ancestor of this node that has unexpanded children.
Implementing the frontier as a stack results in paths being pursued in a depth-first manner - searching one path to its completion before trying an alternative path. This method is said to involve backtracking: The algorithm selects a first alternative at each node, and it backtracks to the next alternative when it has pursued all of the paths from the first selection. Some paths may be infinite when the graph has cycles or infinitely many nodes, in which case a depth-first search may never stop.
This algorithm does not specify the order in which the neighbors are added to the stack that represents the frontier. The efficiency of the algorithm is sensitive to this ordering.