• In ensemble learning, an agent takes a number of learning algorithms and combines their output to make a prediction. The algorithms being combined are called base-level algorithms.
• The simplest case of ensemble learning is to train the base-level algorithms on random subsets of the data and either let these vote for the most popular classification (for definitive predictions) or average the predictions of the base-level algorithm. For example, one could train a number of decision trees, each on random samples of, say, 50% of the training data, and then either vote for the most popular classification or average the numerical predictions. The outputs of the decision trees could even be inputs to a linear classifier, and the weights of this classifier could be learned.
• This approach works well when the base-level algorithms are unstable: they tend to produce different representations depending on which subset of the data is chosen. Decision trees and neural networks are unstable, but linear classifiers tend to be stable and so would not work well with ensembles.
• In bagging, if there are m training examples, the base-level algorithms are trained on sets of m randomly drawn, with replacement, sets of the training examples. In each of these sets, some examples are not chosen, and some are duplicated. On average, each set contains about 63% of the original examples.
• In boosting there is a sequence of classifiers in which each classifier uses a weighted set of examples. Those examples that the previous classifiers misclassified are weighted more. Weighting examples can either be incorporated into the base-level algorithms or can affect which examples are chosen as training examples for the future classifiers.