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Writer's pictureDR.GEEK

Evaluating Randomized Algorithms


• One way to visualize the run time of an algorithm for a particular problem is to use a run-time distribution, which shows the variability of the run time of a randomized algorithm on a single problem instance. On the x-axis is either the number of steps or the run time. The y-axis shows, for each value of x, the number of runs or proportion of the runs solved within that run time or number of steps. Thus, it provides a cumulative distribution of how often the problem was solved within some number of steps or run time. For example, you can find the run time of the 30th percentile of the runs by finding the x-value that maps to 30% on the y-scale. The run-time distribution can be plotted (or approximated) by running the algorithm for a large number of times (say, 100 times for a rough approximation or 1,000 times for a reasonably accurate plot) and then by sorting the runs by run time.

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