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Exploiting Propositional Structure in Local Search


  • Stochastic local search is simpler for CSPs that are in the form of propositional satisfiability problems, with Boolean variables and constraints that are clauses. Each local search step can be made more efficient for three main reasons:

  • Because only one alternative value exists for each assignment to a variable, the algorithm does not have to search through the alternative values.

  • Changing any value in an unsatisfied clause makes the clause satisfied. As a result, it is easy to satisfy a clause, but this may make other clauses unsatisfied.

  • If a variable is changed to be true, only those clauses where it appears negatively can be made unsatisfied and similarly for variables becoming false. This enables fast indexing of clauses.

  • It is possible to convert any finite CSP into a propositional satisfiable problem. A variable Y with domain {v1,...,vk} can be converted into k Boolean variables {Y1,...,Yk}, where Yi is true when Y has value vi and is false otherwise. Each Yi is called an indicator variable. There is a clause for each false tuple in each constraint, which specifies which assignments to the Yi are not allowed by the constraint. There are also constraints that specify that Yi and Yj cannot both be true when i≠j. There is also a constraint that one of the variables Yi must have value true. Converting a CSP into a propositional satisfiability problem has three potential advantages:

Population-Based Methods is here. The first method, beam search, maintains the best k assignments. The next algorithm, stochastic beam search, selects which assignments to propagate stochastically. In genetic algorithms, which are inspired by biological evolution, the k assignments forming a population interact in various ways to produce the new population. In these algorithms, a total assignment of a value to each variable is called an individual and the set of current individuals is a population.

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