( 23rd - November - 2019 )
The settings for power and operating costs can be configured in the Profit Profile Properties, Power and cost section.
Override global electricity price
If enabled, the profit profile can specify a custom price of the electricity
Add additional power usage, Add additional operating costs
Add additional power usage and operating costs to each miner. A higher power usage for a miner will result in lower profitability for the miner.The operating costs are specified per day.
This example illustrates how the power usage is being displayed in the miner list.
For the Ethereum GPU miner, the power usage is based on the reported power usage of all GPU's used for mining.
For the Antminer ASIC miner, the power usage is based on linear scaling from a static configuration of 13.8 TH/s and 1400 W, resulting in an estimated power usage of 1419 W as the current hashrate is a bit above the target.
Fig-1: Power Usage Displayed in Miner List
The coin column displays both the revenue and profit information. The revenue information is the estimated income before power costs and other operating costs. For the Antminer in the example below, the revenue is $2.38. The second value is the profit, defined as the revenue minus the power costs and other operating costs. For the Antminer in the example, it's $1.36. The power cost is based on the currently displayed value for power usage.