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GPU Implementations


• Most modern neural network implementations are based on graphics processing units. Graphics processing units (GPUs) are specialized hardware components that were originally developed for graphics applications. The consumer market for video gaming systems spurred development of graphics processing hardware. The performance characteristics needed for good video gaming systems turn out to be beneficial for neural networks as well. Video game rendering requires performing many operations in parallel quickly. Models of characters and environments are specified in terms of lists of 3-D coordinates of vertices. Graphics cards must perform matrix multiplication and division on many vertices in parallel to convert these 3-D coordinates into 2-D on-screen coordinates. The graphics card must then perform many computations at each pixel in parallel to determine the color of each pixel. In both cases, the computations are fairly simple and do not involve much branching compared to the computational workload that a CPU usually encounters. For example, each vertex in the same rigid object will be multiplied by the same matrix; there is no need to evaluate an if statement per-vertex to determine which matrix to multiply by. The computations are also entirely independent of each other, and thus may be parallelized easily. The computations also involve processing massive buffers of memory, containing bitmaps describing the texture (color pattern) of each object to be rendered. Together, this results in graphics cards having been designed to have a high degree of parallelism and high memory bandwidth, at the cost of having a lower clock speed and less branching capability relative to traditional CPUs. Neural network algorithms require the same performance characteristics as the real-time graphics algorithms described above. Neural networks usually involve large and numerous buffers of parameters, activation values, and gradient values, each of which must be completely updated during every step of training. These buffers are large enough to fall outside the cache of a traditional desktop computer so the memory bandwidth of the system often becomes the rate limiting factor.

• In many cases, the computational resources available on a single machine are insufficient. We therefore want to distribute the workload of training and inference across many machines. Distributing inference is simple, because each input example we want to process can be run by a separate machine. This is known as .data parallelism It is also possible to get model parallelism, where multiple machines work together on a single datapoint, with each machine running a different part of the model. This is feasible for both inference and training. Data parallelism during training is somewhat harder. We can increase the size of the minibatch used for a single SGD step, but usually we get less than linear returns in terms of optimization performance. It would be better to allow multiple machines to compute multiple gradient descent steps in parallel. Unfortunately, the standard definition of gradient descent is as a completely sequential algorithm: the gradient at step is a function of the parameters produced by step .t t−1 This can be solved using asynchronous stochastic gradient descent (Bengio 2001 Recht 2011 et al., ; et al., ). In this approach, several processor cores share the memory representing the parameters. Each core reads parameters without a lock, then computes a gradient, then increments the parameters without a lock. This reduces the average amount of improvement that each gradient descent step yields, because some of the cores overwrite each other’s progress, but the increased rate of production of steps causes the learning process to be faster overall.

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