( 21st September 2019 )
Normally in AMD GPUs, the basic AMD drivers are installed that is mainly used for “Graphics Mode”. By using these drivers, AMD GPUs’ gives very low performance in crypto-currency mining (i.e. Low Hash Rate).
For this, AMD block chain based drivers are used that works on “Compute Mode” (Computation). This driver increase the hash rate 50% - 60% as compared with the basic driver.
GPU’s Over-Clocking Based Optimization In this technique, following settings of both AMD and NVidia based GPU’s is being modified:
Core Clock
Core clock is basically the actual speed at which the cores of a graphics processor on a GPU card operates. It is measured in megahertz (MHz). The core clock speed can be modified with respect to the GPU hardware’s specifications in order to gain a performance boost.
Memory Clock
Memory clock is frequency of the VRAM on a GPU card operates. VRAM is the ram utilized by the GPU and it’s also clocks in frequencies, faster frequencies means the faster the RAM can take, hold, and replace short term information. So, the memory clock speed can also be modified in order to gain a better performance.
Power Limit
Power Limit modification does not enhance the hash rates but it actually limits the power consumed by the GPUs that results in lesser power consumption without decreasing the hash rates. This optimization technique reduces the cost by limiting the power consumed by GPUs that sometimes consumes power more than it required.
Source-Code Based Optimization
The source-code based optimization is one of the important aspect in our optimization which is based on the mining software as well as on mining GPU hardware that is going to be used by the miner. There are certain optimization parameters that can be modified by the help of mining source-code with respect to the GPU selected for mining. Following are the information of optimization parameters with respect to the mining software:
Ethminer (For NVidia GPUs):
For NVidia based GPUs, following optimization parameters from the “Ethminer” source-code can be modified:
1. Grid Size
2. Block Size
3. CUDA Parallel Hash (i.e. Threads Per Hash)
4. CUDA Streams
Ethminer (For AMD GPUs):
For AMD based GPUs, following optimization parameters from the “Ethminer” source-code can be modified:
1. Global Work Size
2. Local Work Size
3. OpenCL Parallel Hash (i.e. Threads Per Hash)
4. Kernel Version
XMR-Stak (For NVidia GPUs):
For NVidia based GPUs, following optimization parameters from the “XMR-Stak” source-code can be modified:
1. Blocks
2. Threads
XMR-Stak (For AMD GPUs):
For AMD based GPUs, following optimization parameters from the “XMR-Stak” source-code can be modified:
1. Work Size
2. Intensity
CCMiner (Only for NVidia GPUs):
Since CCMiner supports only NVidia based GPUs, so following optimization parameter from the “CCMiner” source-code can be modified:
1. Intensity
Nevermore Miner (For NVidia GPUs):
For NVidia based GPUs, following optimization parameter from the “Nevermore Miner” source-code can be modified:
1. Intensity