A heuristic is not always a correct answer but it is a way to get a solution close to the correct answer at a certain level. In the heuristics, the accuracy of the answer is not guaranteed, but there is a characteristic that the time to reach the answer is small. It is mainly used in the fields of computer science and psychology, and the usage in either field has the same fundamental meaning, but the target is different. In computer science, it refers to the method of programming, but in psychology it is used to refer to human thought method. In logic, it is called a hypothesis formation method.
Consider the robot delivery domain and the task of finding a path from one location to another in Figure 3.1. This can be modeled as a state-space search problem, where the states are locations. Assume that the agent can use a lower-level controller to carry out the high-level action of getting from one location to a neighboring location. Thus, at this level of abstraction, the actions can involve deterministic traveling between neighboring locations.
An example problem is where the robot is outside room r103, at position o103, and the goal is to get to room r123. A solution is a sequence of actions that will get the robot to room r123.