• Internet of Things (IoT) in Geosciences
• The application and long-term utility of sample-based data for science is critically dependent on
• the availability of information (metadata) about the samples such as geographical location where the sample was collected, time of sampling, sampling method, etc.
• Links between the different data types available for individual samples that are dispersed in the literature and in digital data repositories.
• Access to the samples themselves. Neither of these requirements could be achieved in the past due to incomplete documentation of samples in publications, use of ambiguous sample names.
• New internet-based capabilities have been developed over the past few years for the registration and unique identification of samples that make it possible to overcome these problems.
• Services for the registration and unique identification of samples are provided by the System for Earth Sample Registration SESAR (www.geosamples.org). SESAR developed the International Geo Sample Number, or IGSN, as a unique identifier for samples and specimens collected from our natural environment.