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Writer's pictureDR.GEEK

Linear Auto-Regressive Networks


• The simplest form of auto-regressive network has no hidden units and no sharing of parameters or features. Each P(xi | xi−1,...,x1) is parametrized as a linear model (linear regression for real-valued data, logistic regression for binary data, softmax regression for discrete data). This model was introduced by Frey 1998 ( ) and has O(d2) parameters when there are d variables to model. It is illustrated in figure . 20.8 If the variables are continuous, a linear auto-regressive model is merely another way to formulate a multivariate Gaussian distribution, capturing linear pairwise interactions between the observed variables. Linear auto-regressive networks are essentially the generalization of linear classification methods to generative modeling. They therefore have the same advantages and disadvantages as linear classifiers. Like linear classifiers, they may be trained with convex loss functions, and sometimes admit closed form solutions (as in the Gaussian case). Like linear classifiers, the model itself does not offer a way of increasing its capacity, so capacity must be raised using techniques like basis expansions of the input or the kernel trick.

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