( 26th June 2019 )
Recently, crypto currency price is increasing and it becomes very hot investment domain. To do investment of crypto currency, people willing to do mining. Today’s topics, I will explain mining farm design and its estimation of ROI.The design of mining farm needs to consider multiple factors. Off cause, it should be achieve 1) Data Security, 2) Data Availability and 3)Sustainability. Upper’s three functions but also need to meet the cost effectiveness facility and its environment.
Economic factors:
The cost of operation of mining farm, the cost of electricity from local supplier is the main cost factor. Each country and location give the different conditions of cost of electricity. The target of cost of electricity per Kill watt is under 4 cents (USA). So, the location of mining farm should be located this region. The methodology of reduction of cost, hydrogen plan is good resources in cool temperature countries. But it is also important the sustainability of plan operation. Some government or industrial zone provides electricity expenses donation or reduction by fund support. These specific support packages are also good advantage to select the location. Because the trend of traditional industry try to reduce their electricity consumption by effectiveness factory operation. So, the total electricity consumption has been reduced. Only mining industry requires more power and more. Seeing form electricity power suppliers, mining farm is good potential industry from now on.
Environmental factors.
To do mining work, these GPU, ASIC RIGs are emitting so many heart by their computation tasks. The emitted heart air should be cool down by exchange the flash air or cycling of air channels. The outside temperature is one of impact factor. Low temperature through annual seasons are expected. Also less rain, less moisture level and less snowing.
The air pollution level especially dust is big factor. Mining farm needs to maintain the clean environment therefore, less dust location is better.
8-2 Space of land and building design
Thespace of land is considerable factor. The mining farm should be flat land scape, open space is better. The cost of mining farm of building, current technologies allow to use container type mining RIG units. The advantage of container model is easy to manage the air cooling channel and its mining RIG operation by rep server. The container should be isolated and autonomous manner. Each container should be run by most effectiveness mining task for highest reward crypto currency.
Other idea of mining building is re use for traditional ware house. Mining farm doesn’t need rich data center model so far. But it is required security for mining coin. Generally, miner connects mining pool in outside, and set their wallet in to the pool. But if mining farm design the pool to enhance the total reward earnings, the wallet in to the pool should be highest security design.
Anyway, if you select re use traditional ware house or office space, should consider the air cooling channel design in the room. People are thinking to set the rack for mining RIG is just steel rack. But, this part is most important to reduce the total hear of air. Hot air is transferred to up position and low temperature air is low position naturally. The mining RIG which are located upper side getting so higher temperature compare lower position of RIGs. To make a balance between them, cool air should be flowing from bottom to top. The design of air channel, need to one step bottom flow panel and making separation of air channel. Then, connect each mining RIG rack unit from bottom part and air should be run to top of rack of RIGs.
About Air chamber design
Each mining RIGs should be set vertical. Then, air cooling channel should be set from bottom to top as following.