Neural language models or NLMs are a class of language model designed to overcome the curse of dimensionality problem for modeling natural language sequences by using a distributed representation of words ( , ). Bengio et al. 2001 Unlike class-based n-gram models, neural language models are able to recognize that two words are similar without losing the ability to encode each word as distinct from the other. Neural language models share statistical strength between one word (and its context) and other similar words and contexts. The distributed representation the model learns for each word enables this sharing by allowing the model to treat words that have features in common similarly. For example, if the word dog and the word cat map to representations that share many attributes, then sentences that contain the word cat can inform the predictions that will be made by the model for sentences that contain the word dog, and vice-versa. Because there are many such attributes, there are many ways in which generalization can happen, transferring information from each training sentence to an exponentially large number of semantically related sentences. The curse of dimensionality requires the model to generalize to a number of sentences that is exponential in the sentence length. The model counters this curse by relating each training sentence to an exponential number of similar sentences. We sometimes call these word representations word embeddings. In this interpretation, we view the raw symbols as points in a space of dimension equal to the vocabulary size. The word representations embed those points in a feature space of lower dimension. In the original space, every word is represented by a one-hot vector, so every pair of words is at Euclidean distance √2 from each other. In the embedding space, words that frequently appear in similar contexts (or any pair of words sharing some “features” learned by the model) are close to each other. This often results in words with similar meanings being neighbors. Figure zooms in on specific areas of a learned word embedding space to show 12.3 how semantically similar words map to representations that are close to each other.