• Neurocomputers are defined here as standalone systems with elaborate hardware and software.
• Examples:
Ø Siemens Synapse 1 Neurocomputer:
² Uses 8 of the MA-16 systolic array chips.
² It resides in its own cabinet and communicates via ethernet to a host workstation.
² Peak performance of 3.2 billion multiplications (16-bit x 16-bit) and additions (48-bit) per sec. at 25MHz clock rate.
Ø Adaptive Solutions - CNAPServer VME System
² VME boards in a custom cabinet run from a UNIX host via an ethernet link.
² Boards come with 1 to 4 chips and up to two boards to give a total of 512 PE's.
² Software includes a C-language library, assembler, compiler, and a package of NN algorithms.