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Other Generation Schemes


• The methods we have described so far use either MCMC sampling, ancestral sampling, or some mixture of the two to generate samples. While these are the most popular approaches to generative modeling, they are by no means the only approaches. Sohl-Dickstein 2015 et al. ( ) developed a diffusion inversion training scheme for learning a generative model, based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics. The approach is based on the idea that the probability distributions we wish to sample from have structure. This structure can gradually be destroyed by a diffusion process that incrementally changes the probability distribution to have more entropy. To form a generative model, we can run the process in reverse, by training a model that gradually restores the structure to an unstructured distribution. By iteratively applying a process that brings a distribution closer to the target one, we can gradually approach that target distribution. This approach resembles MCMC methods in the sense that it involves many iterations to produce a sample. However, the model is defined to be the probability distribution produced by the final step of the chain. In this sense, there is no approximation induced by the iterative procedure.

• Researchers studying generative models often need to compare one generative model to another, usually in order to demonstrate that a newly invented generative model is better at capturing some distribution than the pre-existing models. This can be a difficult and subtle task. In many cases, we can not actually evaluate the log probability of the data under the model, but only an approximation. In these cases, it is important to think and communicate clearly about exactly what is being measured. For example, suppose we can evaluate a stochastic estimate of the log-likelihood for model A, and a deterministic lower bound on the log-likelihood for model B. If model A gets a higher score than model B, which is better? If we care about determining which model has a better internal representation of the distribution, we actually cannot tell, unless we have some way of determining how loose the bound for model B is. However, if we care about how well we can use the model in practice, for example to perform anomaly detection, then it is fair to say that a model is preferable based on a criterion specific to the practical task of interest, e.g., based on ranking test examples and ranking criteria such as precision and recall.

• The conclusion of these topics, Training generative models with hidden units is a powerful way to make models understand the world represented in the given training data. By learning a model pmodel(x) and a representation pmodel(h x | ), a generative model can provide answers to many inference problems about the relationships between input variables in xand can provide many different ways of representing x by taking expectations of h at different layers of the hierarchy. Generative models hold the promise to provide AI systems with a framework for all of the many different intuitive concepts they need to understand, and the ability to reason about these concepts in the face of uncertainty.

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