• A proposition is either
• an atomic proposition or
• a compound proposition of the form
• ¬p (read "not p")--the negation of p
• p∧q (read "p and q")--the conjunction of p and q
• p∨q (read "p or q")--the disjunction of p and q
• p→q (read "p implies q")--the implication of q from p
• p←q (read "p if q")--the implication of p from q
• p ↔q (read "p if and only if q" or "p is equivalent to q")
• where p and q are propositions.
• The precedence of the operators is in the order they are given above. That is, a compound proposition can be disambiguated by adding parentheses to the subexpressions in the order the operations are defined above.