Iterative best improvement randomly picks one of the best neighbors of the current assignment. Randomness can also be used to escape local minima that are not global minima in two main ways:
Random restart, in which values for all variables are chosen at random. This lets the search start from a completely different part of the search space.
Random walk, in which some random steps are taken interleaved with the optimizing steps. With greedy descent, this process allows for upward steps that may enable random walk to escape a local minimum that is not a global minimum.
A random walk is a local random move, whereas a random restart is a global random move.
Consider the two one-dimensional search spaces in Figure 4.7, where we try to find the minimum value. Suppose that a neighbor is obtained by a small step, either left or right of the current position. To find the global minimum in the search space (a), we would expect the greedy descent with random restart to find the optimal value quickly. Once a random choice has found a point in the deepest valley, greedy descent quickly leads to the global minimum. One would not expect a random walk to work well in this example, because many random steps are required to exit one of the local, but not global, minima. However, for search space (b), a random restart quickly gets stuck on one of the jagged peaks and does not work very well. However, a random walk combined with greedy descent enables it to escape these local minima. One or two random steps may be enough to escape a local minimum. Thus, you would expect that a random walk would work better in this search space.