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Writer's pictureDR.GEEK

Review of knowledge base


• A definite clause knowledge base can be used to specify atomic clauses and rules about a domain when there is no uncertainty or ambiguity.

• Given a set of facts about a domain, the logical consequences characterize what else must be true.

• A sound and complete proof procedure can be used to determine the logical consequences of a knowledge base.

• Proof by contradiction can be used to make inference from a Horn clause knowledge base.

• Negation as failure can be used when the knowledge is complete (i.e., under the complete knowledge assumption).

• Abduction can be used to explain observations.

• A causal model predicts the effect of an intervention

For example, Suppose we want to be able to reason about an electric kettle plugged into a power outlet for the electrical domain. Suppose a kettle must be plugged into a working power outlet, it must be turned on, and it must be filled with water, in order to heat.

Using AILog syntax, write axioms that let the system determine whether kettles are heating. AILog code for the electrical environment is available from the web.

You must

• Give the intended interpretation of all symbols used.

• Write the clauses so they can be loaded into AILog.

• Show that the resulting knowledge base runs in AILog.

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