( 30th - November - 2019 )
Today, I introduce reward prediction mining concept and shows its analysis result.
Mining of cryptocurrency is required for PoW (Proof of Work) to generate next blockchain. Traditional PoW is dedicated mining for specific cryptocurrency. But, the value of cryptocurrency may be changed by the impact of cryptocurrency market popularity. Then, I recommend multiple cryptocurrency switching over mining instead of fixed mining. This concept is required market value prediction. We design crypto index collecting each cryptocurrency value from market real timely. Then, calculate the expectable reward on each cryptocurrency.
Here is comparison. 1, Fixed mining (Ethereum), 2. Market value refer mining (each 24hours) and AI prediction mining (DNN).
• Its reward on 30days. (1st AUG to 11t SEP 2019)
• Electricity cost defined 4cents / KW.
• 12 RX580 GPU configuration on RIGs.
• Optimized code and default code rewards are shown.
Result of mining rewards are following.
• Conclusion of this mining comparison, Fixed mining with highest popular cryptocurrency mining is stable with high reward was given.
• AI mining (Prediction) if 100% accuracy gives 123.48% increasing reward under optimization code. It gives 206.291 USD/month.
• Refer Mining (though Crypto index) is not matching highest rewards currency always. It reward is 160.366 USD/ Month but it is only 95.99% compare Fixed mining.
Now, we are challenging to enhance AI prediction accuracy.