• In the future when everyone has a constant electronic companion with which they can speak. It may be embodied in a device that looks like a phone, or it may be embodied in clothes or jewelry. You can: ask this companion for information, use it to order food deliveries, use it to make phone calls to other people, use it to tell your car where it should take you, ask it to wake you at a certain time or to remind you of appointments, ask it for the latest news, play chess with it, or simply have a conversation with it. Also imagine that some large corporation, named Omniscience, will supply these companions to everyone and that they will all be connected to Omniscience's central AI server.
Because the Omniscience AI will have much greater physical capacity than human brains, its social model will be completely beyond the understanding of human minds. Asking humans to understand it would be like asking them to take the square root of billion-digit numbers in their heads. Human brains do not have enough neurons for either task. And the social model will be learned by the AI rather than designed by humans. In fact humans could not design it. Consequently, humans will not be able to design-in the types of detailed safeguards that are in the Google car.
