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Specialized Hardware Implementations of Deep Networks


• Since the early days of neural networks research, hardware designers have worked on specialized hardware implementations that could speed up training and/or inference of neural network algorithms. See early and more recent reviews of specialized hardware for deep networks ( , ; , Lindsey and Lindblad 1994 Beiu et al. 2003 Misra and Saha 2010 ; , ). Different forms of specialized hardware (Graf and Jackel 1989 Mead and , ; Ismail 2012 Kim 2009 Pham 2012 Chen 2014a b , ; et al., ; et al., ; et al., , ) have been developed over the last decades, either with ASICs (application-specific integrated circuit), either with digital (based on binary representations of numbers), analog (Graf and Jackel 1989 Mead and Ismail 2012 , ; , ) (based on physical implementations of continuous values as voltages or currents) or hybrid implementations (combining digital and analog components). In recent years more flexible FPGA (field programmable gated array) implementations (where the particulars of the circuit can be written on the chip after it has been built) have been developed. Though software implementations on general-purpose processing units (CPUs and GPUs) typically use 32 or 64 bits of precision to represent floating point numbers, it has long been known that it was possible to use less precision, at least at inference time (Holt and Baker 1991 Holi and Hwang 1993 Presley , ; , ; and Haggard 1994 Simard and Graf 1994 Wawrzynek 1996 Savich , ; , ; et al., ; et al., 2007). This has become a more pressing issue in recent years as deep learning has gained in popularity in industrial products, and as the great impact of faster hardware was demonstrated with GPUs. Another factor that motivates current research on specialized hardware for deep networks is that the rate of progress of a single CPU or GPU core has slowed down, and most recent improvements in computing speed have come from parallelization across cores (either in CPUs or GPUs). This is very different from the situation of the 1990s (the previous neural network era) where the hardware implementations of neural networks (which might take two years from inception to availability of a chip) could not keep up with the rapid progress and low prices of general-purpose CPUs. Building specialized hardware is thus a way to push the envelope further, at a time when new hardware designs are being developed for low-power devices such as phones, aiming for general-public applications of deep learning (e.g., with speech, computer vision or natural language).

Computer vision has traditionally been one of the most active research areas for deep learning applications, because vision is a task that is effortless for humans and many animals but challenging for computers ( , ). Many of Ballard et al. 1983 the most popular standard benchmark tasks for deep learning algorithms are forms of object recognition or optical character recognition. Computer vision is a very broad field encompassing a wide variety of ways of processing images, and an amazing diversity of applications. Applications of computer vision range from reproducing human visual abilities, such as recognizing faces, to creating entirely new categories of visual abilities. As an example of the latter category, one recent computer vision application is to recognize sound waves from the vibrations they induce in objects visible in a video ( , Davis et al. 2014). Most deep learning research on computer vision has not focused on such exotic applications that expand the realm of what is possible with imagery but rather a small core of AI goals aimed at replicating human abilities. Most deep learning for computer vision is used for object recognition or detection of some form, whether this means reporting which object is present in an image, annotating an image with bounding boxes around each object, transcribing a sequence of symbols from an image, or labeling each pixel in an image with the identity of the object it belongs to. Because generative modeling has been a guiding principle of deep learning research, there is also a large body of work on image synthesis using deep models. While image synthesis is usually not considered a ex nihilo computer vision endeavor, models capable of image synthesis are usually useful for image restoration, a computer vision task involving repairing defects in images or removing objects from images.

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