• Turtle is a simple language for representing triples. It is one of the languages invented for the semantic web. It is one of the syntaxes used for the Resource Description Framework, or RDF, growing out of a similar language called Notation 3 or N3.
• In Turtle and RDF everything - including individuals, classes, and properties - is a resource. A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) is a unique name that can be used to identify anything. A URI is written within angle brackets, and it often has the form of a URL because URLs are unique. For example, ⟨http://aispace.org⟩ can be a URI. A "#" in a URI denotes an individual that is referred to in a web page.
• For example, ⟨http://cs.ubc.ca/∼poole/foaf.rdf#david⟩ denotes the individual david referred to in http://cs.ubc.ca/∼poole/foaf.rdf. The URI ⟨⟩ refers to the current document, so the URI ⟨#comp_2347⟩ denotes an individual defined in the current document.
• A triple is written simply as
• Subject Verb Object.
• where Subject and Verb are URIs, and Object is either a URI or a literal (string or number). Verb denotes a property. Object is the value of the property Verb for Subject.