(04th June 2019)

Today is the final day of Ramadan. Our Advanced Blockchain lab engineers and AI image detection team are relax. Today, traffic was very less here in Karachi and people already in mode of eid holiday. Arranged special eidi (small money distribution) from my side to young engineers in this morning. Always, I like to see their smile and become their happy. Sometime,I recognized the similarity of Japanese and Muslim. To make a peaceful world, we should understand people’s believing and their life of policy. Religion is the one of factor of source of person’s behavior. I studied a lots of things though watching people here. Come to think of it, when I was USA, I saw people they are following up Christianity, In Tokyo, they are pretend Shinto rhythm or Butta rhythms. But, eventually, people are welcome other family member and share their life together. I recognize that the history of mankind have been continuing day by day. The technology of IT is my field of research but I would like to contribute our society enhancement by my innovate idea of technologies, This is a only one which I can do here and it is the meaning I am living….. Continue tomorrow.