We set upped NVIDIA 1080TI GPUs to Etheminer pool for Mix blockchain coin mining. The purpose of this observation is refer GOU RIGs reported hash rate compare calculation hash by pool. The hash rate should be evaluate some dyration of time of mining because GPU cards, mining performance (hash rate) result are not stable until a few hours or one day. Here is the result of them.
Ethminer Default Reported Hash rates of 1080TI x 2:
(GPU1: Wattpool, GPU2: Our Pool)
Reported hash rate are around 32.2Mhs.
Then, refer pool calculated hash rate as following.
There are two hash value start from 30 minutes average and 3 hours average as well.
· Wattpool MIX Block chain Pool’s Calculated Hash rates:
The results are a little bit lower than RIGs reported hash rate after 3 hours. Off cause, the result of calculation hash rate was calculated by the number of share per duration of time of period. But these hash rate were a little bit lower than our expectation.
Finally, we developed our one pool node of Mix blockchain. The calculated hash rate at 30 minutes and three hours average are very similar of RIGs reported hash rate.
· Our MIX Block chain Pool’s Calculated Hash rates:
Therefore, mining with pool combination is re considerable matter which I would like to say.