The View Details dialog can be used to get a better understanding of why Awesome Miner prioritize a specific pool. To access the profit switching details, right click on a miner (either External Miner or Managed Profit Miner) and select View details. In the dialog, select the Profit switching tab as illustrated below. In addition to the last profit switching calculations, a history of the previous calculations is also available.
Note that the profit values listed are based on the hashrates in the selected Profit profile. These may represent a single GPU only, even if the miner has multiple GPU's. This is not an issue as these profit values are only used to compare between the pools and algorithms. The actual profit while mining will be based on the actual hashrate and displayed in the Miners tab in the main window of Awesome Miner.
Example of ASIC profit switching
Fig: ASIC Profit Switching
Example of GPU profit switching
Fig: GPU Profit Switching