(28th-April-2021) The span of a set of vectors is the set of all points obtainable by linear combination of the original vectors.
(26th-April-2021) Multiplying Matrices and Vectors
(25th-April-2021) Matrices : A matrix is a 2-D array of numbers, so each element is identified by two indices instead of just one. We...
(24th-April-2021) Scalars : A scalar is just a single number, in contrast to most of the other objects studied in linear algebra, which...
(23rd-April-2021) • The basic mathematical concepts needed to understand deep learning. We begin with general ideas from applied math...
(22nd-April-2021) • In summary, deep learning is an approach to machine learning that has drawn heavily on our knowledge of the human...
(21th-April-2021) • Another crowning achievement of deep learning is its extension to the domain of reinforcement learning. In the...
(20th-April-2021) Since the 1980s, deep learning has consistently improved in its ability to provide accurate recognition or prediction....
(19th-April-2021) • Another major accomplishment of the connectionist movement was the successful use of back-propagation to train deep...
(18th-April-2021) • We expect that many readers of this book have heard of deep learning as an exciting new technology, and are surprised...
(17th-April-2021) • It is easiest to understand deep learning with some historical context. Rather than providing a detailed history of...
(16th-April-2021) • To summarize, deep learning, the subject of this book, is an approach to AI. • Specifically, it is a type of machine...
(15th-April-2021) • Solves this central problem in representation learning by introducing representations that are expressed in terms of...
(14th-April-2021) Suppose we want to separate two categories of data by drawing a line between them in a scatterplot. One solution to...
(13th-April-2021) The solution to these more intuitive problems. This solution is to allow computers to learn from experience and...
(12th-April-2021) • In this presentation we have created a very simple ontology called Pizza Ontology • The ontology is not complex but...
(11th-April-2021) For each property we can specify the domain and range The domain of a property is a member of the subject class while...
(10th-April-2021) We can specify different characteristics for each property The has_base property can be made Functional A Functional...