Lowest-Cost-First Search
(14th-April-2020) When a non-unit cost is associated with arcs, we often want to find the solution that minimizes the total cost of the...
(14th-April-2020) When a non-unit cost is associated with arcs, we often want to find the solution that minimizes the total cost of the...
(13th-April-2020) In breadth-first search the frontier is implemented as a FIFO (first-in, first-out) queue. Thus, the path that is...
(12th-April-2020) Algorithms (including search algorithms) can be compared on The time taken, The space used, and The quality or accuracy...
(11th-April-2020) The first strategy is depth-first search. In depth-first search, the frontier acts like a last-in first-out stack. The...
(10th-April-2020) There are three uninformed search strategies that do not take into account the location of the goal. Intuitively, these...
(9th-April-2020) The example of the algorithms is here.
(8th-April-2020) The intuitive idea behind the generic search algorithm, given a graph, a set of start nodes, and a set of goal nodes, is...
(7th-April-2020) • Consider the problem of the delivery robot finding a path from location o103 to location r123 in the domain depicted...
(6th-April-2020) A heuristic is not always a correct answer but it is a way to get a solution close to the correct answer at a certain...
(5th-April-2020) The previous chapter discussed how an agent perceives and acts, but not how its goals affect its actions. An agent could...
(4th-April-2020) These days, we have discussing about the potential of BMI and Personal Artificial Intelligence (PAI) and its...
(3rd-April-2020) Using the knowledge recording part different speeches of an individual are recorded and ultimately classified into...
(2nd-April-2020) Table 3 we can observe that the categorization part of the knowledge recording module can achieve 84.6% accuracy. Some...
(1st-April-2020) The mapping function in Algorithm-III first tests whether any token is null. In such a case the mapping is zero. On the...
(31th-March-2020) Algorithm-II retrieves the semantic data for a sentence. The first step for this is to determine the nouns in the...
(30th-March-2020) Next we list the main Algorithms only. Similarity can be of two types lexical or semantically in the broader sense....
(29th-March-2020) We implemented its complete system in Java programming language which is one of the platform independent programming...
(28th-March-2020) In part two or knowledge retrieval module different people like family members, friends or general public would ask...
(27th-March-2020) Once the text for the speech is obtained then we can start semantic categorization of the text in order to determine...
(26th-March-2020) In part one or knowledge recording module different speeches of the person whose knowledge is to be uploaded will be...