New Ontology Property
(9th-April-2021) Ontology Property Hierarchy As can be seen we can create hierarchy for properties just like class hierarchy created earlier
(9th-April-2021) Ontology Property Hierarchy As can be seen we can create hierarchy for properties just like class hierarchy created earlier
(8th-April-2021) • In case of spelling mistake class and property name can be edited using the Refactor menu as shown below Object...
(7th-April-2021) • One or more classes can be deleted as shown in the screenshot Delete Class Confirmation
(6th-April-2021) Adding Pizza, Pizza_base and Pizza_topping Classes Using the procedure discussed we will add more classes that have been...
(5th-April-2021) Add Classes to Thing Class In order to add subclasses to a class we have to use Create class hierarchy option under the...
(4th-April-2021) • The Pizza_base class is now appended with Ontology IRI to avoid naming collisions with Pizza_base in some other...
(3rd-April-2021) For this presentation we are using Protégé Version 5.2.0 (the latest version at the time of this writing) We hope that...
(2nd-April-2021) • We should have a class hierarchy in some text file just like shown below • A subclass is indented to the right of the...
(1st-April-2021) • Protégé tool provides an easy to use interface for creating OWL ontologies • In this presentation we will create an...
(31th-March-2021) Source of the Presentation This presentation uses material from Protégé Wiki available from the Stanford University See...
(30th-March-2021) Toward the total healthcare diagnostic system Here is our big picture on future.
(29th-March-2021) Application Example for brain signal analysis
(28th-March-2021) There are not allow to bring the data to outside of lab. Need to maintain the computing machine with data in hospital....
(27th-March-2021) Example 3: Topic model + BO Example 4: Image analysis for Medical System
(24th-March-2021) • Which is the position that do we need to search for next?
(23rd-March-2021) Bayesian optimization is a sequential design strategy for global optimization of black-box functions that doesn't...
(22nd-March-2021) • Three-color classification problemare following examples, the problem of dividing 6 prefectures in the Kanto region...
(21th-March-2021) • Constraint is a declarative description of constituent elements to be applied and relationships established between...