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What does an ontology look like?

(3rd-July-2020) Today, I am going to show you some Ontology examples with its figure.

Ontologies and Knowledge Sharing

(2nd-July-2020) • Building large knowledge-based systems is complex because • Knowledge often comes from multiple sources and must be...

Primitive Versus Derived Relations

(30th-June-2020) • Typically, you know more about a domain than a database of facts; you know general rules from which other facts can be...

Terse Language for Triples

(29th-June-2020) The example of terse Language is following

Terse Language for Triples

(28th-June-2020) • Turtle is a simple language for representing triples. It is one of the languages invented for the semantic web. It is...

Graphical Representations

(27th-June-2020) • You can interpret the prop relation in terms of a graph, where the relation • prop(Ind , Prop , Val) • is depicted...

Flexible Representations

(26th-June-2020) • The first part of this chapter considers a way to build flexible representations using the tools of logic. These...

Ontologies and Knowledge-Based Systems

(25th-June-2020) • The most serious problems standing in the way of developing an adequate theory of computation are as much ontological...

Learning Review

(24th-June-2020) • Learning is the ability of an agent improve its behavior based on experience. • Supervised learning is the problem...

Bayesian Learning-II


Bayesian Learning

(21th-June-2020) • Rather than choosing the most likely model or delineating the set of all models that are consistent with the training...

Probably Approximately Correct Learning

(20th-June-2020) • So far, we have seen a number of different learning algorithms. This section covers some of the theoretical aspects of...

The Bias Involved in Version-Space Learning

(19th-June-2020) • Recall that a bias is necessary for any learning to generalize beyond the training data. There must have been a bias...

Candidate Elimination Algorithm

(18th-June-2020) • The candidate elimination algorithm incrementally builds the version space given a hypothesis space H and a set E of...

Version-Space Learning

(17th-June-2020) • Rather than enumerating all of the hypotheses, the subset of H consistent with the examples can be found more...

Case-Based Reasoning

(16th-June-2020) • For this method to work, a distance metric is required that measures the closeness of two examples. First define a...

Description Length

(15th-June-2020) The negative of the logarithm (base 2) of Formula (7.5.1) is (- log 2 P(data|model))+( - log 2 P(model)). This can be...

MAP Learning of Decision Trees

(14th-Jnue-2020) • To understand MAP learning, consider how it can be used to learn decision trees. If there are no examples with the...

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